


  1. When a line is broken at a non-assignment operator the break comes before the symbol. (Note that this is not the same practice used in Google style for other languages, such as C++ and JavaScript.)
  • This also applies to the following "operator-like" symbols:

    • the dot separator (.)
    • the two colons of a method reference (::)
    • an ampersand in a type bound (<T extends Foo & Bar>)
    • a pipe in a catch block (catch (FooException | BarException e)).
  1. When a line is broken at an assignment operator the break typically comes after the symbol, but either way is acceptable.
  • This also applies to the "assignment-operator-like" colon in an enhanced for ("foreach") statement.
  1. A method or constructor name stays attached to the open parenthesis (() that follows it.
  2. A comma (,) stays attached to the token that precedes it.
  3. A line is never broken adjacent to the arrow in a lambda, except that a break may come immediately after the arrow if the body of the lambda consists of a single unbraced expression. Examples:
MyLambda<String, Long, Object> lambda =
    (String label, Long value, Object obj) -> {

Predicate<String> predicate = str ->



The prime directive of line-wrapping is: prefer to break at a higher syntactic level. Also:

  • When a line is broken at an operator or infix function name, the break comes after the operator or infix function name.
  • When a line is broken at the following "operator-like" symbols, the break comes before the symbol:

    • The dot separator (., ?.).
    • The two colons of a member reference (::).
  • A method or constructor name stays attached to the open parenthesis (() that follows it.
  • A comma (,) stays attached to the token that precedes it.
  • A lambda arrow (->) stays attached to the argument list that precedes it.



When you have a boolean expression that is longer than the standard line length, be consistent in how you break up the lines.
if (this_one_thing > this_other_thing &&
    a_third_thing == a_fourth_thing &&
    yet_another && last_one) {
Note that when the code wraps in this example, both of the && logical AND operators are at the end of the line. This is more common in Google code, though wrapping all operators at the beginning of the line is also allowed. Feel free to insert extra parentheses judiciously because they can be very helpful in increasing readability when used appropriately, but be careful about overuse. Also note that you should always use the punctuation operators, such as && and ~, rather than the word operators, such as and and compl.

旧版本 Android 的模拟器可能出现调用 Canvas.clipPath() 导致 app 崩溃的现象。这是因为模拟器在过低的 API 级别下启用了 Canvas 的硬件加速1,在对应 API 级别下强制关闭硬件加速就好了。

E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
        at android.view.GLES20Canvas.clipPath(GLES20Canvas.java:408)
If your application is affected by any of these missing features or limitations, you can turn off hardware acceleration for just the affected portion of your application by calling setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null). This way, you can still take advantage of hardware acceleration everywhere else. See Control hardware acceleration for more information on how to enable and disable hardware acceleration at different levels in your application.


菜单中选择 ... -> Phone -> SMS message,发送短信后进入模拟器的短信应用就可以将文本复制到模拟器内的剪贴板了。

Android Emulator Copy & Paste: Back by popular demand, we added back the Copy & Paste feature to the latest Emulator (v25.3.1). We have a shared clipboard between the Android Emulator and host operating system, which will allow you to copy text between both environments. Copy & Paste works with x86 Google API Emulator system images API Level 19 (Android 4.4 - Kitkat) and higher.

如果镜像 API Level 高于 18,直接复制粘贴就好,和系统剪贴板互通。